Edward Turner
Chris strives to create evocative images, modelled on nature:
imaginative threads of wild, untamed landscapes, often lonely
renderings of Ontario and Quebec. He continues to develop his
vivid and evocative style of landscape painting, capturing the
scenery from the Georgian Bay islands to the Gatineau hills.
Chris studied landscape painting with Bruce Heggtveit and other
local artists in the Ottawa area. For a period of time he was
pursuing other interests such as creative writing and studio recording.
After graduating from University of Waterloo in Honours Mathematics
and Computer Science, he backpacked and biked throughout Europe
and Asia before teaching computer programming courses in Ottawa.
Having spent most of his life in the Gatineau hills and Simcoe
County, he has been fascinated with the raw, primal nature of
woods, creeks and shorelines.
Chris uses stiff brushes to paint, no medium or thinners; consequently
the paint is harder to control, yet the result is richer, and
somewhat more forward and moody.
Other passions include creative writing and soundtracking. Check
out his rich collection of SF/Fantasy story-audio works on youtube.
And strategy games and
other fun stuff here ...
Contact Information