Visualization is the art of employing subtle imagery to create certain spaces in our lives. Particularly, we create a conscious intent to open up channels in the body, to remedy pains, to heal emotions or illnesses, or to make positive changes in our lives. The most effective visualizations are ones in which the imagery feels most natural to us and has deep, heart-felt meaning. When we put all of our energy into the flow as opposed to the results, the benefits flow in greatest abundance. This is because no energy is being leaked to greedy or ego-based ownership of a particular manifestation, and results tend to flow of their own accord. Often the results aren't anything that we can imagine or expect at the outset. For the power that we are using is much finer and more intelligent than anything that our preconceived ideas can attempt to capture. As our creative consciousness goes to work, the images may want to change of their own accord. It's best to move with this, staying conscious and alert, bending and shaping like tall grass in the wind, letting the imagery evolve of its own, perhaps in shape, size, form, colour or feeling. We never force anything to come to pass. The art is in the subtlety of our application of energy, which is where the power of the imagery becomes tangible. While closing our eyes and sitting in a still, relaxed posture, here are some simple visualizations we can try: Healing visualization
Heart opener visualization
Aura expansion
Attention expansion
Meditation on Self visualization
Special notes I find that simpler imagery is more effective than complex imagery. By simpler, I mean less detailed in terms of form. Energy is consumed in trying to create "form". The more ethereal or refined or "airy" the imagery is, the closer it comes to the fineness of the essential nature of the object itself, a kind of abstract background space. The more detailed or formed the imagery, the "heavier" its effect, and the more formed our inner space becomes, and typically the more difficult it is to keep our attention focused on the many minutiae of the image itself. Often, I find that the most powerful visualizations are those that are the most simple and subtle. They can be as ethereal as a very fine gray mist or vapour, but carry a very deep and powerful feeling or meaning with them. It is important to let the imagery "breathe". Imagery tends to naturally evolve as we hold our attention on an image for some time. The power that creates the image in us often will work in ways that our analytical mind cannot reach, so we loosen up the reigns. We let the image morph and see what creative turn it brings. Perhaps a new avenue of exploration or a more powerful resonance in our being can open up, or perhaps a "warmer" effect in our space. This attitude makes for a very relaxed, open effect where we end up finding out more about the art, about ourselves, about how our creative mechanism works, and what imagery seems natural and works best for us. Here's to many successes! |