Double attack:
Black moves archer at B5 to B4, and simultaneously attacks the white warrior
at B3 and the white power magician at C3.
One must fall, because both can't move out of the way at once, nor can
either capture the archer, double protected by archer at A5 and warrior
at A6.
White moves the bondsman to E4 above and skewers the black magician at
F5 and the black assassin at G6. If black moves the magician, the assassin
falls to the bondsman. If black leaves the magician, the bondsman captures
it on the next move. An impossible scenario, as there is no black piece
in range to protect the magician.
Giving up a piece to gain a positional advantage or a win, is a powerful
Below, black has only to capture the white archer at D2 to win:
If white recaptures F1-> D2, black answers by pushing D5 -> D2 and wins
the game, as the white khan-archer at E2 has limited mobility (1 square
in each direction), and cannot escape the Bondsman's attack swath. White