Example winning scenarios:
#1 White moves his archer from D8 to C8, thus attacking
the black khan. After a long, drawn out game, black has lost in material,
and is cornered at his home base. Black has nowhere to go, without being
captured by enemy pieces, so must admit defeat:
#2 In a similar scenario, white has managed to get an
assassin to the enemy home base (one of squares a7,a8,b7,b8 for white).
The assassin (B5->B7) has been promoted to a warrior, the next in rank.
The black khan is under direct threat by the warrior and cannot move.
Black loses:
Avoid forced draw scenarios:
#3 White's khan which has been demoted by the black magician
is now not able to move anywhere. Black moved F4 to G3. It is white's
move, so the game is declared a stalemate. Black could have avoided this
scenario by threatening the khan archer with his warrior, thus winning
the game.
There is another draw scenario notable to avoid: 100 moves passing with
no captures. A draw is automatically declared.