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How to meditate

Why meditate?

Meditation is something that comes from within. It is not that somebody tells us to meditate and then we start doing it.  Rather we feel a calling from somewhere inside that says "hey, everything seems to be ok, except…?" It’s that very elusive 'something' that makes us start searching, listening in different quarters, and inquiring about many different things. We may already have many great things going in life - a good home, good friends, good spouse, good job, good hobbies - but yet there is still something nagging us at the very edge of our consciousness - something where we don’t feel completely easy or completely fulfilled.

bullet Q: Ok, I feel this sense, but how do I find that 'something'?
bullet A: The answer to that question, "why don’t I feel satisfied, and what is it that will make me feel satisfied" comes, I believe, by practicing meditation. The very fact of reading this article says something in itself. Probably a stir came from within, to seek knowledge and the strength and openness to live life to its fullest . . . seeking release from the nagging feelings that creep into the mind when from the outside it appears as if one has all the things but inside there is a hazy patch, a stretch of emptiness, an unfulfillment.


bulletQ: What is this meditation then?
bullet A: A practice for seekers of truth who wish to live their lives in happiness, wisdom, and ease. For those who wish to open their hearts and minds and live long, healthy, fulfilled lives.


bulletQ: How do I meditate?
bulletA: See How to meditate?


bulletQ: What do I hope to achieve by practicing meditation?
bullet A: Here are a few benefits that I have found unfold as a result of practicing meditation:


bulletInner peace:

The power of meditation brings a sense of inner stillness or in Sanskrit, samaadhi. This stillness lets one rise above the normal waking state consciousness which is always in motion, always busy and concerned with the details of physical existence. When one's atoms become very still, one's whole being vibrates at a higher, more intelligent level. We are like an alert observer that takes note of everything, even the slightest vibration and have the power to not attach or attach importance to the various happenings around us. One becomes amazingly centered - so centered that one feels naturally at peace in breast of many, many movements around and inside us.

bullet We start realizing what we are:

Meditation brings such clear perception that we begin to grasp another dimension of ourself: that in fact we are pure happiness, pure freedom. We begin to realize that we are more than just a body and mind with a fixed personality and physical characteristics. Behind these obvious facets lies a great power, invisible to the eyes, but the basis from where our mental and physical characteristics are painted. Directly experiencing such a vision, we don’t feel so identified with your body and your mind. Thoughts like, "Oh, I hope I look nice?", "Oh, do they recognize my accomplishments?", "Oh, I am feeling angry now because they said this about me" become small movements in the overall scheme, carrying little weight, little importance. We begin to feel light and easy in our body while guarding the knowledge that a great power is behind us, so vast and pure that it cannot be touched by small relative projections such as the ones above.

bullet We begin to truly love ourself and others around us:

We accept yourself as we are and our heart glows.  We wish to share our heart space with others. We can’t really hate anyone, rather we remain neutral to those who don’t appreciate usor who speak non-complimentary of us.  We acquire a special connection to our heart which others can tangibly feel as we radiate our.  As a result, other people feel naturally attracted to us.

bullet We become more powerful and charismatic people:

Over time, the practice of meditation transforms our minds. Where once our thoughts may have been scattered and wavering, our mind now becomes collected and our ability to focus and maintain attention becomes powerful. We don’t get bogged down with details and hindrances; we always find solutions to problems. Anything we put your mind and heart into now manifests more easily because of the time spent engaged consciously maintaining the flow of attention on the background space during meditation.  People respect us for this gift.

bullet We can be truer to ourself.

Heightened awareness and clearer perception removes all kinds of bondage and knots in the mind. From emotional to physical, these knots all start to loosen and ultimately become untied, leaving us able to act freely and without all kinds of baggage weighing us down. While being so clear in ourself, allows us to act according to our own style as a free spirit without the fear of being bottomed out or ridiculed or feeling like the odd person out. The effect of peer pressure that was built up for so many long years begins to wane. No more are we bound to play the 'yes-man' or the sheep, because we intimately know what is right for us, what is wrong for us and what it is for us to do.

bullet We start seeing things as they are rather than what you have been trained into seeing or believing.

We are born and raised with all kinds of cultural conditioning. From day one, suggestions, morals, rules and regulations have been a constant, often binding influence in our lives - and so we have become conditioned. Often we become carbon copies of our parents – for better or for worse. Meditation helps us to see past the layers of conditioning and create and live a fresh new outlook of ourselves. This extra insight, which comes only through true inner reflection, allows us to cultivate patterns that serve us and undo the ones that don’t.

bullet We begin inquiring into everything deeply.  As a result, our life begins to shift.

We trust nothing until we have verified it ourselves. We don’t believe anything by rote or begin parroting somebody else’s philosophies or dogma, claiming it to be our own. We don’t get tricked or trapped into following causes that are not our own or not true to our spirit, nor do we become a victim of unconscious behaviour or unwholesome patterns.

bullet We realize that everything is interconnected.

We become so sensitive and alert that even the slightest things don’t escape our notice. We are like one with the universe. The life that comes into and powers our body is the same as the life that powers all the other beings around us, even the animals and plants. We become aware of those thoughts and actions that lead to creating a sense of oneness with people and nature around us and those that create division between us and our fellow human beings. We begin to pick up those thoughts and actions that create a natural sense of brotherhood with our fellow human beings.

bullet We develop a keen discrimination.

Because of developed inner clarity, we are able to remove all kinds of internal doubts and fears. Our direction becomes very clear and we see ourselves moving through life with less and less struggle. A sixth sense tells us how to act. We become so alert and conscious that we don’t fear for tomorrow and we don’t cloud the present with the past.

bullet We can help people in ways that were not accessible before.

We begin to acquire connections to subtle powers of awareness that had previous lain dormant. We begin engaging our creative powers in finding ways to create oneness and harmony with people. A power of empathy begins to unfold. We see patterns in people and start to understand where they are coming from and why they are the way they are. Our energy field is different, pour thinking changes, the quality of our conversation changes and our interactions change. Having made profound changes in our own life, we start consciously making changes in other people’s lives, whether it be through friendship, healing, support, energy-work or teaching.

bullet We start thinking in the bigger picture.

Selfish motives dissolve. We begin to understand what’s best for the people around us as opposed to only our own individualistic needs. We become very watchful of the force of life that moves through all the beings of the world, to the point that we don’t hurt people or bring pain unnecessarily to others or foist harm upon nature. We respect all of life’s creations and realize that our body is only one channel, a vehicle for the current of life. As the capacity for oneness expands in us so does our vision. We become a vaster being, capable of vaster potential.

bullet We experience better health and increased longevity.

When the breath slows and our atoms become still, our life force has a chance to rejuvenate our body and we stay young, in body, mind and spirit. We find that we begin to eradicate patterns of lifestyle that cause aging, disease, confrontation, and wear and tear on the body. We actively employ the lifestyle that brings about the best health and happiness. We naturally begin to become very aware of the food we eat and its effect on the body. We discover exactly what exercise and what amount we need in order to stay fit. We become aware of what company best suits us best and without making undue efforts, we attract those people into your life.

Why meditate?