Download MasterMedia Pro Developer (14.4M) (serial#: MPD100-G6B3M-GVW41-F446E) Download sample planetary slide show project (746K) Visual walk-thru: MasterMedia makes it easy for people of all ages to jump into designer mode and create their own presentations complete with video, flash and audio, like this demo on the planet Saturn:
The project can be File..export'ed to disk and File..open'ed on another user's machine:
Registered users can logon, browse project media, and run a variety of projects:
As a designer, you can import custom media components into the current project and place and size them:
...and then add effects to your components with right mouse click: Properties..Effects
...and sequence your media in a variety of creative ways with right mouse click Properties..Sequence:
...to create professional presentations like this multiple choice quiz:
...whose content can be customized by trainers with the quiz editor:
...and scheduled to run automatically by the system when a user logs on:
Authorized users with administration password can browse quiz results: